>> [ Congregation singing ] >> Today we are blessed with a wonderful gift from God, the Bible. This book is God's living word. In its pages we are told, for the Word of God is living and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. It is in this book of books that we find the answers to all of men's questions and need. This morning, your area Churches of Christ welcome you to a program committed to that perfect law of liberty... >> [ Congregation singing ] >> ...as we present The Living Word. >> [ Singing continues ] ♪♪ >> Now here is your host, Ray Sullins. >> Thank you for joining us today for the Living Word program. And as always, it is our great privilege to have you with us as we give this time to our God. It is further our prayer that we will each praise God this morning, as well as do all those things that we are encouraged to do by him as we join in these offerings and sacrifices before his throne. What better way to start the Lord's Day than to give him such sacrifices which are pleasing by speaking to God in prayer, by singing songs of praise, and by studying from his precious word? So as we begin our offering to God this day, will you bow with me before his throne in prayer? Our God and Father in heaven, we are so thankful for the many great and wondrous blessings of life. And, Father, we ask that you'll help us this day and every day to be those lights of this world that others might know you, have the desire to follow you, and obey your perfect will. Father, we know that it is only through you and your great love and mercy and grace that we're able to be found presentable today and eternally. And, Father, help us to live every day with such insight, knowing that the faithful will be found such in the end. And, Father, we most of all are thankful for the great gift of Jesus, his death on the cross, knowing that he died through love, that we might have life now and life eternal. These things we pray in Jesus' name. Amen. Now let's sing our first song of the morning as we join together in a great opportunity to understand what it is that Jesus has done that we might be saved. Won't you join in with the congregation at this time as we sing together, Sing Hallelujah to the Lord. >> ♪ Sing hallelujah to the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing hallelujah to the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah ♪ ♪ Sing hallelujah to the Lord ♪ ♪ Jesus is risen from the dead ♪ ♪ Jesus is risen from the dead ♪ ♪ Jesus is risen, Jesus is risen ♪ ♪ Jesus is risen from the dead ♪ ♪ Jesus is living in His church ♪ ♪ Jesus is living in His church ♪ ♪ Jesus is living, Jesus is living ♪ ♪ Jesus is living in His church ♪ ♪ Jesus is Lord of heav’n and earth ♪ ♪ Jesus is Lord of heav’n and earth ♪ ♪ Jesus is Lord, Jesus is Lord ♪ ♪ Jesus is Lord of heav’n and earth ♪ ♪ He’s coming back to claim His own ♪ ♪ He’s coming back to claim His own ♪ ♪ He's coming back, He's coming back ♪ ♪ He’s coming back to claim His own ♪ ♪ Sing hallelujah to the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing hallelujah to the Lord ♪ ♪ Sing hallelujah, sing hallelujah ♪ ♪ Sing hallelujah to the Lord ♪ >> If I were to ask you, what is the hardest thing for you to control in life, what would your answer be? Maybe you would say, it's hard to control my kids. Well, certainly that's a big problem in our society and we often see that all around us today, don't we? Others might say, well, it's hard to control my wife or my husband. Well, watch out, you might get in trouble for that. Because the fact is, is that sometimes we all need a bit of correction. The fact is, you see, there are many things that are hard to control or difficult to control in life. But again, what is the hardest thing to control? Well, according to the Bible, there's one thing that is really difficult to control and that is our thoughts. Think about that for just one moment. No one sees your thoughts. No one hears your thoughts. No one really knows what's on your mind, even at this very moment. I believe that is why it is so hard to control our thoughts. because in many ways they are so private. We can think about other things or picture other things in our mind again and again, and no one even knows it. When was the last time that you had a bad or an ugly thought against someone that you didn't like, and they didn't even know what you were thinking? When was the last time that you had a bad thought about that person who pulled out in front of you, and they really didn't even know what you were thinking as well? I've gotten, or rather, I've got some bad news for you. As those who certainly know Christ and know Jesus, we need to realize that we are not justified in having those thoughts that are improper just because others don't know it. You are not justified yourself, nor am I justified in such things. In Luke chapter 16, verse 15, we read, you are those who justify yourselves before men. But guess what? God knows your hearts. Isn't this why Paul then said in Philippians chapter four and verse eight that we need to think on good things, things that certainly are above, when there we read, finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there's any virtue and if there's anything praiseworthy, meditate on these things. So our thoughts must be good, because we want to be pleasing to God. And by the way, as we've learned, God knows all of our thoughts. They are not hidden. On the other hand, we must be those who have good thoughts because they make us who we are. Do you remember what Solomon said? For as one thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs chapter 23 and verse seven. In other words, we will eventually be what we think if we have bad and evil thoughts. We will then have what? Those who eventually do and say things that are evil. However, if we have good or righteous thoughts, then we eventually will also bear the fruit of those things that are good and righteous. So what do you think about in your daily life? Is it something that is pleasing to God as it should be? Is it something that again shows forth that you are a good person, that you live in the world as you have been commanded by God to live? And therefore you think about those things that God has given you of a spiritual and righteous nature, not like the world. If this is true, then you'll be found pleasing to God. If not, why not choose today to get control of your mind, to get control of your thoughts, and to begin to think on those things that will make you a better person. This morning we will be continuing our series which is entitled Buy the Truth and Sell It Not. Our specific lesson today is called, What Role Does God's Authority Play in Truth? So please stay with us for this lesson from God's Word. And after our next song together, we will be returning and be led in this study of the day. As far as our guest speaker, we're happy to have Brother Trey Sullins with us. Brother Trey is a full-time instructor at the Bible Institute of Missouri, and he's also one of the ministers of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ. We always are thankful when he joins us. We look forward to him leading our main thoughts from God's Word. But as for now, won't you join again with the congregation as we sing our second song of the morning. The name of the hymn, Blue Skies and Rainbows. >> ♪ Blue skies and rainbows, and sunbeams from heaven ♪ ♪ Are what I can see when my Lord is living in me ♪ ♪ I know that Jesus is well and alive today ♪ ♪ He makes his home in my heart ♪ ♪ Never more will I be all alone, since he ♪ ♪ Promised me that we never would part ♪ ♪ Green grass and flowers all blooming in springtime ♪ ♪ Are works of the master I live for each day, I know that ♪ ♪ Jesus is well, and alive today ♪ ♪ He makes his home in my heart ♪ ♪ Never more will I be all alone, since he ♪ ♪ Promised me that we never would part ♪ ♪ Tall mountains, green valleys the beauty that surrounds me ♪ ♪ All make me aware of the One who made it all, I know that ♪ ♪ Jesus is well, and alive today ♪ ♪ He makes his home in my heart ♪ ♪ Never more will I be all alone, since he ♪ ♪ Promised me that we never would part ♪ >> Good morning and thank you so much for being here with us again on this Lord's Day. It is a pleasure to be here that we can study God's Word and to worship him. And what a gift that he gives to us, that we can do this every first day of the week, and that we even have the opportunity. Without him, of course, there'd be no chance for any of this to happen, that we can serve him and worship him. We've been looking at truth over the last few weeks, as you probably will remember, and as we have seen the truth now, these two other lessons before, we have discussed many great things that show us the introduction to truth, particularly God's truth. What is God's truth and why does that even matter to us as his people? But as we continue on now, what we want to do is to see the specific idea of what role does God's authority play in truth. More particularly, we'll be looking at how does that truth get to us. When we think about God as the creator, the one who has all authority, how then does his authority come to us in the truth? And that's the process we're going to be looking at. Now, thankfully, the Bible provides those answers to us and shows us exactly how he gives us that authority. As we even look out to the world around us, there's a whole lot of answers out there that you might find, as some will teach that today, the God still authorizes and gives us stuff directly into our brains. We might have visions and dreams and these kinds of things. We might see signs and symbols throughout the world. But what does the Bible say? That's what we want to know. We want to specifically see, how does God tell us that he authorizes us and gives us the truth in this world today? And as we jump even into John chapter 16 and verse 13, there's a great passage here which is going to serve sort of as the catalyst that we will get back to here later in our study. John 16:13 says, however, when he, the spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak, and he will tell you things to come. Now you can see right there a simple pattern that's laid out that is actually a little bit later, as I said in our study this morning. But that simple pattern you find right there is that these apostles -- that's who John was talking, or Jesus was talking to -- were going to be given this truth, were going to be given this revelation from he, the spirit, the Holy Spirit. But how do we get to that point of John chapter 16 and verse 13? Well, it all starts with God the Father. And this is kind of the obvious thing to all of it, right? Even in Matthew chapter 28, verse 19 to 20, Jesus says, or 18 through 20, Jesus says, all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. And so you think about what he's saying there. All authority was given to Jesus, given by who? Well, by God the Father. All the way back in the book of Exodus, chapter 13 -- or chapter three, rather, in verse 14, God says to Moses, tell the people I am has sent you. That statement, I am, refers to the fact that God is the all-powerful. He's the all-existing. He's the always existing, eternal one, and self-existing God of all. There is no other being like him in existence or has ever been in existence. He's the only one and that is God. Now, when you think about God as such an all-powerful being, of course he's going to be the one in authority. You consider with me some other ideas as well about God. Why is he an authority? Well, he is the only one like that. The only one who has this eternal existence that is in the future and in the past. He's also the only one who has all power. There is no other being like him, as we said, but he's also the one who created all things. Now, as even the Bible illustrates in several places that when you own something and you make something, it's within your power to choose what you want to do with it. And so if you have a vehicle or a house or whatever it might be, you get to decide how you're going to use that thing or not use that thing or abuse that thing, or whatever the case might be. It is yours to make those decisions with. And so it is with God. He created this world. He owns this world. Therefore he's going to decide what he wants to do. He is the one in authority, is what we're trying to point out here. In Ephesians chapter four, verse six, the Bible also tells us that he is above all, and so he remains at that place of being in authority over all things. There is no time in history that mankind has become greater than God, that we've learned ourselves to be like him, or like Jesus has become greater than the father. But God the Father still remains at the top of this. His authority, his position as the one who authorizes, is going to pass down that authority throughout this whole process. We've already talked about, in fact, the second part of this process. Where does God the Father first delegate his authority to, in Matthew 28:18-19 again, or 20 again. It says all authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. So God the Father passed that authority down to Jesus the Christ. And it was Jesus the Christ then. What did he do with that authority? Well, John chapter one, verse one tells us, and the following verses, that he came to this earth and he spoke the words of God. He is called "the word" there in John 1:1 -- And the word delivered the words or the truth of God. He delivered what God has authorized for us today. And Jesus went about the earth doing that in that first century in which he lived, and continued to do that, not only to teach and to speak the words of God, but to confirm those words of God. He used miraculous things and the powers that he certainly had as God to be able to prove what he was saying. And this is the next element of the truth that we've been looking at, that it's not just that God said these things. It's not just that we have some words written for us in a book, but it's that even biblically and historically, there were things that were done to confirm these words that prove they have to be from God. In fact, even this book itself, the very Bible that we can hold and look at today, is evidence that God exists because it could not have been constructed by mankind. There's just no way that it could have been done. Too many years, too many authors, too many backgrounds, and yet not a single discrepancy, not a single thing that is incorrect throughout it. But all that being said in the Old Testament, that first step of God's authorization, where he himself was speaking to people, he would confirm that truth. He would tell people, this is what you need to do. And then he would perform signs and wonders. Think about the plagues in Egypt, just shortly there in the book of Exodus. He confirmed what he said with miraculous things. Well, Jesus did the same thing as he was going around healing and even raising from the dead and all these different signs and wonders that he did that confirm what this man is saying is the truth. You've got to think about why that's so important. Because if we are God's people or God's creation today, we might hear any number of different things out there in the world. In fact, we were just in the country of Ghana not too long ago, and there was a great big billboard there right off the one of the main roundabouts in the city. And this great billboard, it said on it, "the savior of Ghana and of the world," and there was a picture of some man's face on it, some man who was now claiming, as the billboard said, to be of the third religion of the world. Whatever that means, I'm not entirely sure, but that's what he was claiming, that he was the savior of the world. And as he goes around Ghana and teaches these things that he's teaching to people, how many of his words will be confirmed with miracles? Not a single one, not a single one. Not a single sign or wonder will he perform. That's what sets apart the truth that God brought and the truth that we find within these pages, and any sort of thing that man can come up with, that God confirms what authority he has with the power that he has as well. But that continues on with us, then, as we look throughout the rest of this study. We've got now God the Father, who delegated first that authority to Jesus Christ the Son, Matthew 28:18-20. But what did Jesus then continue to do with that? As we said, he walked around and spoke and confirmed those things, but that wasn't the end of it. That's where we pick up again in John chapter 16. You see, Jesus left this earth, and one of the teachings that he continually taught his disciples, and even a lot of the other followers that he had, the 12 and many others, that he was not going to be on this earth forever. Very shortly, in fact, he was going to be leaving, and he would continually tell them he was going to be leaving and dying even. But they didn't understand what that meant. In their minds, this is the Son of God -- He can't be leaving. He's got to stay here forever. Well, they figured it out pretty quickly once it all came to, and it started to happen before their very eyes. But that's where John 16:13 comes in. Jesus knows he's going to leave. So what does he say in verse 13 again? When the spirit of truth has come, he will guide you into all truth, for he will not speak on his own authority. But whatever he hears, he will speak, and he will tell you things to come. So you've got God the Father, you've got Jesus the Christ, and now you've got the Holy Spirit. And the Holy Spirit then was given the message that would be delivered exactly as well to the people that needed it, and not just some random message. Not just something that the Holy Spirit wanted to bring. But as it says, even in this passage, he will give -- he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears, he will speak. AKA he's going to say exactly what comes right down this chain, straight from God the Father himself, straight from the authority of all things himself. That's what he's going to speak. Now, that's really important as well, because very shortly, as we said, Jesus the Christ died. He left this earth and would be raised again the third day. And after he was raised, he continued to prove that raising a few more times. And then he left again. The ascension that we find there in the book of Acts and referenced right at the end of the Gospels in most of them. You find that the apostles in the book of Acts continue to propagate the truth of God. They went around everywhere, as it's even mentioned there in the Bible, in the New Testament, that the whole world was preached to. They kept going around and preaching by the power of the Holy Spirit, the authority of God that was delivered to them, God the Father, Jesus the Christ, the Holy Spirit, and then given to the apostles. That brings us then to where are we? Because here we are today, 2,000 years later, after those events have happened. Where is God's authority today? Well, what we have is something so powerful. 1 Corinthians chapter 13 is explaining how the miraculous things need to be done with love, and they need to be done in a proper way. And the great love chapter, as we say there, it's really about miraculous things in love. But at the end of that chapter or that section, rather, Paul gives a really great exhortation there. He says that when that which is perfect has come, that which is in part will be done away. That which is in part, in context, is a direct reference to the miraculous things. You see, God's authority on Earth would be given in the words that he delivered, confirmed by the miraculous things. But Paul says there that those miraculous things would be done away with once we have the perfect. Well, we have the perfect today, don't we? These words within this book were written down by those who were directly inspired by God the Father to Jesus the Christ from the Holy Spirit, written down so that we have it today. Those are the words we have to follow if we want to approach our God for an eternity in heaven. >> ♪ Who at my door is standing ♪ ♪ Patiently drawing near ♪ ♪ Entrance within demanding? ♪ ♪ Whose is the voice I hear? ♪ ♪ Sweetly the tones are falling ♪ ♪ "Open the door for Me!" ♪ ♪ "If thou wilt heed My calling" ♪ ♪ "I will abide with thee" ♪ ♪ All through the dark hours dreary ♪ ♪ Knocking again is He ♪ ♪ Jesus, art Thou not weary ♪ ♪ Waiting so long for me? ♪ ♪ Sweetly the tones are falling ♪ ♪ "Open the door for Me!" ♪ ♪ "If thou wilt heed My calling" ♪ ♪ "I will abide with thee" ♪ ♪ Door of my heart, I hasten! ♪ ♪ Thee will I open wide ♪ ♪ Though He rebuke and chasten ♪ ♪ He shall with me abide ♪ ♪ Sweetly the tones are falling ♪ ♪ "Open the door for me!" ♪ ♪ "If thou wilt heed my calling ♪ ♪ "I will abide with thee" ♪ >> We praise God that you have put him first this morning by choosing to give this time to him as we have worshiped our creator. And it's always wonderful to have you with us, and we invite you back every Lord's Day morning at 7:30 as we give this time always to God. But for now, let me ask you if you have any questions or comments about today's lesson. Maybe you'd like a free transcript or a free CD or DVD of the program, or possibly we could assist you with free Bible materials or free Bible correspondence courses. No matter what your need is, please feel free to contact us at the following address. The Living Word, 2540 North Kansas Expressway, Springfield, Missouri 65803. Many of these items are also available on our website, including archives of this program. That can be found at TheLivingWordProgram.com. Or, if you prefer, you may call us at (417)869-2284. What an-all powerful God that we serve who has all authority over all things. May we therefore always submit to God's full authority as given to us in the truth, and may we always do everything which God says and commands that we might always be found pleasing in his sight. >> Our prayer is to help the world know more about God through this television program. The Living Word has been brought to you under the oversight of the elders of the Kansas Expressway Church of Christ in Springfield, Missouri, with the assistance of the following area Churches of Christ. >> [ Congregation singing ] ♪♪ ♪♪